How Severe Are Road Accidents in Massachusetts?

Road safety in Massachusetts is challenging, given the recent rise in traffic-related fatalities and injuries. Statistics raise a lot of concern, spotlighting a consistent increase in road accidents. The trend indicates that authorities should take measures to rectify the situation.

Boston Personal injury attorneys explain that an exploration of the Massachusetts Crash Data report page reveals the severity of Massachusetts road accidents, with over 2,000 victims sustaining severe injuries and over 16,000 suffering non-serious ones from crashes in 2022. Given the long-term recovery journey, each incident profoundly affects victims.

Recovering from injuries sustained in road crashes can be an expensive and emotionally draining process. The medical expenses can quickly escalate, and the victim’s ability to earn a living can greatly be severed. If you or your loved one got involved in an accident, skilled lawyers can help you pursue compensation from the negligent party.

What Are the Leading Causes of Car Accidents in Massachusetts?

When helping accident victims obtain compensation for their injuries, Boston car accident lawyers often find that most car accidents are due to the following common causes:

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving tops the list of car accident causes in Massachusetts. Intoxication significantly affects depth perception and reaction time, putting a driver at a greater risk of causing a crash due to poor judgment. In most cases, drunk driving accidents injure and kill other unsuspecting drivers and passengers, making the accidents tragic.

Drunk driving accidents are preventable if only drivers can say no to the habit or get a designated driver after having too much to drink. If you sustained injuries in an accident that a drunk driver caused, don’t suffer in silence. Skilled car accident attorneys in Boston can help you hold the driver responsible for your injuries and pursue the compensation you deserve.


Speeding accidents are some of the most dangerous due to the intensity of the impact. The higher the speed at which the driver moves, the slower their reaction time is. It’s crucial that people accept speed limits as the law, not a suggestion, to make their commute, and those of other road users, safe.

Distracted Driving

Texting or talking on the phone, eating, or having heated arguments when driving amount to distracted driving behaviors that commonly result in car crashes. Driving while distracted puts the driver and other road users in danger.

Drivers need a constant reminder that no bite of food, text message, or phone call is worth getting themselves into an accident that could be fatal. The most prudent thing is to get off the road, park the car, attend to anything that needs attention, and resume driving once done.

Driving While Drowsy or Fatigued

Most drivers assume they are alert even when they have not had enough rest. Fatigue significantly reduces reaction time and increases the risk of judgment error. Drivers also fall asleep on the road because they believe they’re not too tired to drive. Getting enough rest before driving or making other travel arrangements is crucial.

Weather Conditions

Some car accidents in Massachusetts happen due to inclement weather conditions, especially in winter, between December and February.

Drivers experience reduced visibility, slick roads, and hazardous road conditions when the roads are icy or full of snow. Additionally, poorly maintained roads in some parts of the state increase the risk of accidents.

Ignoring Traffic Signals

Ignoring traffic signals can cause catastrophic accidents at intersections as drivers try to “beat the clock.” The behavior often causes cross-traffic or T-bone accidents, with victims often sustaining severe and almost fatal injuries.

Where Do Car Accidents Mostly Happen in Massachusetts?

If you suffer an injury in a car accident, it’s crucial to note where it happened. The details can help you when collecting compensation because the location plays a crucial role in gathering evidence. The location also helps in determining liability. Car accidents tend to be common in the following areas:

Work Zones

Work zones can be frustrating for most drivers in Massachusetts because the lanes are often narrow, restricting the number of cars that can pass at a time. Workers repairing and maintaining roads put up signs and barriers to protect them and their equipment.

However, the same restrictions can make it challenging for drivers to pass through safely, increasing accident risk. At other times, excessive lights, a lack of adequate signs, and poorly placed work equipment can cause accidents.

Determining liability can be challenging, as several parties, including the construction company, could be at fault. Skilled car accident lawyers in Boston can use their expertise and resources to help you determine liability and ensure you obtain compensation for the damages.

High-Risk Road Sections

The Massachusetts Crash Data report pinpoints specific stretches that are mainly considered high-risk and accident-prone:

  • Interstate 95 (I-95) North, between S. Main St. to Exit 21.
  • Worcester County, with the highest incidents of fatal accidents in the state
  • The intersection of Veteran of Foreign Wars Highway and Bridge Street in Milton
  • The intersection of Morton Street and Harvard Street
  • The intersection of Ash Street and West Elm Street

Wherever your accident happened, it’s crucial to consult experienced Boston personal injury lawyers for the necessary legal intervention.

A Skilled Personal Injury Attorney Helping You Navigate Catastrophic Accident Cases in Massachusetts

Motor vehicle accidents can be catastrophic and can happen anywhere. In Massachusetts, the most common reasons for car accidents are drunk driving, drowsiness or fatigue, distraction, and disregard for traffic signs. Accidents are common in work zones and major intersections on the highways.

Contact personal injury lawyers in Boston for whatever reason your accident happened or where it happened. They can investigate your case to determine liability and help you create a solid case to pursue compensation. Joel H. Schwartz is a reputable personal injury law firm with experienced car accident attorneys in Boston, and we can help. Call us at 508-850-0342 to schedule a FREE consultation.