Insurance Negotiating Tactics to Watch for after an Accident in Boston
Having to deal with the insurance company after you’ve been injured in a car accident is sure to be one of the most inconvenient things you will have to handle, but it is necessary if you hope to be awarded a settlement. What makes it more of a challenge is the fact that many insurers are not looking out for their policyholders.
Instead, they focus on protecting their own profits, which often results in insurance adjusters using specific tactics to minimize the amount they will have to settle your claim for. Continue reading to learn more about these tactics so you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of during this challenging time in your life.
The Low-Ball Offer
One of the most common ways an insurance adjuster can get away with reducing the amount of your settlement is by making you an offer quickly. If you receive an offer quickly, it is very important that you have your lawyer review the settlement before accepting, as it is quite possible that it is worth far less than you deserve.
By tempting you with money you need right away, they may be able to settle your claim for exponentially less money than you might otherwise be entitled to.
Statement Manipulation
Another insurance tactic you need to know is statement manipulation. Insurance adjusters will ask you to give them a statement regarding how the accident occurred.
While this may seem innocent enough, it is not uncommon for some insurance adjusters to then manipulate your statement to make it seem as though you are actually liable for the accident. In doing so, they can reduce your settlement under Massachusetts modified comparative negligence laws.
Contact a Boston Car Accident Lawyer
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident and want to do everything possible to avoid coming into contact with an insurance adjuster who could use these tactics against you, reach out to an experienced Boston car accident lawyer at Joel H. Schwartz, PC.
You can fill out the quick contact form we have included below or give our office a call at 617-742-1170 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.